10 Ways to ignite your fire & let your inner badass shine this summer

Ignite Your Inner FIre with the Summer Sun

Summer is the season of your Inner Badass. Now’s the time to Let Her be in charge.

Summer wants you to be confident. And strong. Use the fiery energy of the sun to connect with that part of yourself & fuel your confidence–to give you the strength & fire to let that part of yourself shine.

This month find as many ways as you can to connect with your most powerful self. Your confident, fiery self. Find ways to absorb the sun’s energy into your body & use that fire to fuel your own.

Here are some ideas for connecting with your own powerful Inner Fire & for absorbing that fierce, fiery sun energy.

Here are some really powerful questions to ask yourself at this time of year:

Q: When do you feel like your most powerful self? What makes you feel like a badass? When have you felt this way in your life? How can you do some of these things in your life now?

Q: What do you love most about … YOU!

We all spend so much time focusing on the things we DON’T like about ourselves. Those negative thoughts will not fuel any inner fires but rather, squelch the flames like water on a campfire.

Instead, consider what you like MOST about yourself. What do you love about yourself? In what ways are you strong in your life? What do you feel confident about in yourself?

Gas yourself up a bit! Don’t be shy.

What qualities make you feel strong? And powerful?

In fact: write them big and loud and proud. Tape them over your desk, in your room, on the bathroom mirror – wherever you will see them everyday & you can remind yourself of the ways your powerful, rather than always focusing on the negative.

The Seasonal Soul: Create a meaningful personal & spiritual practice using nature as the foundation.


What makes you feel really alive? What’s something you love to do? What makes you lose track of time & just feel immersed?

OR: Observe yourself throughout your day. What makes you feel alive? What moments made you feel live today? Keep a list.

Then consider: How can you add more of these to your daily life?

The Seasonal Soul: Create a meaningful personal & spiritual practice using nature as the foundation.


Take time to reconnect with your essence – the core of who you are. Shine a light on your strengths and talents, your passions and values. Look at what moves you at the heart-level (and make time for this in your life).

Ask yourself: Who am I?

At your core: who are you? Consider a time when you felt on fire and all was right in your world. Identify your essence that showed up in that story. What strengths, talents & passions show up in your life?

The Seasonal Soul: Create a meaningful personal & spiritual practice using nature as the foundation.


Do a plank every morning. This simply (but challenging!) pose ignites & strengthens you core –your fierce, fiery center.


Practice healthy, clean eating right now. Literally fuel your body & your fire with empowering, healthy foods.

The Seasonal Soul: Create a meaningful personal & spiritual practice using nature as the foundation.


While you’re enjoying your fire, take a moment to do this very simple meditation/mantra:

Take several deep breaths to ground and center yourself as you gaze into the fire.

With each inhale, draw in that fierce, hot fire energy. Feel the fire entering your spirit. With each breath, envision your inner fire growing larger and stronger until it is raging within you.

Repeat to yourself, “My inner fire is fierce.”

Repeat this mantra many times, until you begin to believe it’s really true. (Because it is!)

The Seasonal Soul: Create a meaningful personal & spiritual practice using nature as the foundation.


Find a spot to lay on your back in the sun. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths to ground yourself.

As you continue to breathe, begin reflecting on your inner strength, your fire, that part of yourself that is confident & powerful. Picture that part of yourself as a fire burning within you (it may be strong & fierce, or it may only be a spark).

Feel the powerful Summer Solstice sun shining down on you. With each breath, pull that fierce, fiery, hot summer energy into your body. Picture its fire adding to your own inner fire. With each breath picture your flame growing & expanding.

Continue to breathe in the sun’s fire like this, absorbing it as long as you’re able. When you rise you will continue to carry this fire with you. Whenever your confidence wanes or you need to access your inner fire, take a moment & picture this flame burning inside you.

The Seasonal Soul: Create a meaningful personal & spiritual practice using nature as the foundation.


Put on a favorite song. Something that makes you feel alive. Something that inspires your spirit. Turn it up if you can, or put on headphones. And let yourself dance. Be free. Let the music move you. (This is my Go To way to feel my most empowered & alive.)


Do something that scares you. Have you ever jumped off a cliff into the water? You kind of feel like a super hero when you emerge from the water below.

The Seasonal Soul: Create a meaningful personal & spiritual practice using nature as the foundation.


Use this simple spread to connect with your own inner wisdom & discover how you can more deeply connect with your Inner Fire.

  • What parts of you could use some extra fire to accomplish these things?
  • How can you shine your brightest light?
  • What do you need to fill yourself up with in order to shine your brightest light
  • What might you need to release in order to shine your brightest light?

How will you commit to connecting with your inner fire this month? How can you absorb the sun’s powerful energy to help fuel you? Create 2-3 action steps for yourself & share them below to begin bringing them to life.

Make it a ritual! Pick out some of the things in the list above that you want to do and make a plan. Dedicate your time celebrating the Summer Solstice & welcoming the Sun’s fire energy.

Free Summer Solstice Guide

Grab your free

5 Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice,
and journal Qs for powerful self-reflection.




**Coming Soon**

Summer Solstice Guidebook

2 responses to “10 Ways to ignite your fire & let your inner badass shine this summer”

  1. Deb Lawrence Avatar
    Deb Lawrence

    I’d like to receive your monthly publication.
    Thank you

    1. Erin Bruce Avatar

      Hi Deb!💖 I’d love to have you join me! You can sign up, here.

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